On mobile
Quickly find and book workspaces on our mobile app for IOS and Andriod.
Booking a workspace?
It’s a date.
Use Smart Calendar to secure the workspaces you need, when you need them, directly through Microsoft Outlook.
Outlook calendar booking
Booking your workspace through your Outlook calendar is fast and easy: open the add-in, search rooms, and select one from the list. Room details and features are listed, so you can be certain the space you’ve booked is right for you.
Alternative meeting rooms
As your plans change, Condeco takes care of everything. Its smart calendar feature detects when an Outlook meeting is moved, automatically finds a suitable alternative and sends out all the necessary details.
Smart Recurrences
If you have recurring meetings at fixed times, Condeco ensures you always have the space you need. And if the original room is not available for certain dates, it automatically books another that still meets all your requirements.
Video conferencing
Bringing virtual attendees into a meeting is as easy as collaborating with them in person. Video conferencing like Teams and Zoom can automatically be managed in Condeco, and then started with just one click when everyone is ready to go.
User interface
Our online portal supports advanced management and searchability of workspaces for a more detailed view.
Will bookings be synchronized across Outlook and the Condeco booking app?
All your booking information is automatically synchronized across the Condeco mobile app, the web portal and your Outlook calendar. If a meeting moves, don’t worry about finding a new room: Condeco finds you a suitable space for the time you need it.
Can bookings be made directly in Outlook?
Make workspace bookings, amendments and cancellations seamlessly through your Outlook calendar, and Condeco updates automatically.
Are Zoom and Teams compatible with the meeting room booking system?
Get people together without the hassle. Add Microsoft Teams and Zoom meetings directly to your calendar bookings, then use automated video conferencing management means you can start meetings with a single click.
Loved by users
"Condeco was the perfect fit: an established product that had the market traction, and we could get it in quickly. That was the bottom line."
"I am delighted to find out from our employees that Condeco Meeting Room Booking System allows them to book meeting rooms much easier and faster now."