Work Smarter Together​

Did you know: Only 12% of workers feel the growth of hybrid has persuaded their company’s leadership to invest in greater technology to satisfy new ways of working.

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Bank to the Future: Using the Power of Data to Easily Innovate

If you could talk to your future self, what would you say?

It’s a common question we all find ourselves thinking about, and answers fall into a few different categories:

What does my life…

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How to Win Arguments and Influence Your Dino-CEO

Are you a terminally frustrated employee tired of having your objectively brilliant ideas ignored, shot down, or stolen by the far less-deserving members of your company’s leadership? Are you sick…

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5 ways to help Bankers, Brokers, and Relationship Managers take control of their workday.

Most of us have learned to be productive no matter how and where we work. Our recent survey shows 80% of managers agree, stating employees are just as productive working from home/digitally as they…

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The Bank of the Future is Here

Where is your office today?

Is it the desk you’re used to… in the office you’re used to… in the office building you’re used to?
Or is that “desk” the kitchen table right now?

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What People Expect in the Office

Everyone wants to improve the workplace.

But what is it that people should be looking for, and what’s most important to prioritize?

The connected workplace delivers the certainty you need,…

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Poonam Bharj

How Capacity Management has changed in 2022

CFOs and workplace practitioners have always been keen to manage space utilization.

With our rapidly evolving approaches to flexible work, this is now a priority of the CHRO and CEO’s office….

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Visitor Management and the Connected Workplace

Gone are the days of the paper logbook, RFID tap-for-entry badges and temporary name tags.

Today’s connected workplace calls for a far more sophisticated visitor management system that seamlessly…

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The Data Behind Hybrid Work

The ways in which we work continues to evolve seemingly every day. But do you know what the data is on hybrid work?

What do employees want from their working lives in the long term – and what do…

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Paul Statham

Looking back, looking forward. A mid-year review with Paul Statham

The way we work is rapidly evolving.

So, too, is the workplace. Join Paul Statham and Adrian Cohn as they look back on the first half of 2022 and offer their perspective on what matters most to…

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