Every single element of our working lives has been transformed in recent years by technology. And with those changes have come changes in expectations, not only from customers and suppliers, but from…
Taking care of business
Many businesses no longer need to provide every single employee with their own desk, and combined with the rise of shared spaces like hot desks and breakout zones, it has…
As working practices and environments have become more flexible, so they have become more complex. The simplicity of the nine-to-five has been largely done away with, in favour of sharing and…
A changing business world is generating new ways of working all the time. Where we work, when we work, how we work and who we work with are all evolving, in the face of advancing technology, new…
British employees spend more time on average in the office than any other workforce in Europe. So it’s critically important to give them a working environment in which they feel creative, satisfied…