Building a customer journey is an essential part of most businesses, and getting it right can be critical to your success. There isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ method to prosperity, as every business has different requirements, however, there are a few essential guidelines than can benefit everyone, helping get the customer journey essentials just right.
A pinch of communication
Communication is a core ingredient – put simply, it is imperative to share your brand message. IABC reports that only 21% of communicators say they keep their language simple and jargon-free. This is a problem, as many find themselves confused or put off by overcomplicated business language, particularly acronyms or industry-specific terms. While you never want to talk down to your customers, it is important to keep communication simple and straightforward, and to adequately display your internal message and core brand values via the way you speak to your clients.
A teaspoon of trust
Trust is fundamental to functioning in both our personal and professional lives – without it, well, things can become increasingly difficult. Research shows that only 49% of full-time workers have a great deal of trust in those working above and alongside them. Clearly, many of us have some work to do in creating and maintaining a strong level with our customers and clients!
Fostering trust in the workplace can be a slow process, as the main way to ensure it is to display it – always lead by example, keep communication lines open, and encourage feedback, discretion and sensitivity in all client exchanges.
A splattering of product knowledge
According to Accenture, 89% of customers get frustrated because they need to repeat their issues to multiple representatives. It’s an understandable frustration, and something that most of us have experienced as a customer. So, why not put yourself in the client’s shoes?
Not only should all employees within your business possess a certain level of product knowledge (you’ll have to set that level of product knowledge accordingly, as it will vary from business to business and industry to industry), but the process of communication also comes into play here. Ensure that customers have direct access to the employees with the right product knowledge, at the right stage and level, and you cannot go far wrong.
And finally, stir in the fun
Reportedly, fifty-eight per cent of workers who have not experienced workplace fun have been off sick for 11 or more days, compared to 42% of those who have. We all need a little fun in our lives, even in the workplace, and displaying a sense of fun among employees is likely going to rub off on employee and client relations, too. Put simply, if employees are relaxed, happy and confident in their roles, they’re more likely to provide a better service for your customers.