For most new companies, MS Outlook is the most obvious e-mail platform to use. But a lot of companies tend to use the Outlook calendar function to organise their tasks and meetings as well.
MS Outlook has several limitations and shouldn’t be treated as a long-term solution for scheduling meetings. As a company grows or when people require additional services for their meeting, a reliable room booking solution should be implemented.
A high quality room booking system can provide an MS Outlook Add-in to deliver a variety of features that will benefit your business that Outlook cannot alone:
Reduce no-shows
When a meeting is cancelled, it automatically removes the meeting room at the same time. This means the room can be freed up for others to book, which increases utilisation and reduces wastage.
Enable people to book meetings with little or no training required. A good Add-in will seamlessly integrate with MS Outlook and seem like part of the original system to users.
Quicker process
Meeting attendees’ availability can be checked before confirming the meeting room. This makes the booking process quicker and prevents moving the meeting several times.
Easy access
No additional logins or platforms are required: users can simply schedule their meeting and book their preferred room from within the MS Outlook Add-in.
Less room for errors
Having a single point of entry for meetings and room bookings leaves less room for error and room booking conflicts.
Book everything together
Catering, services, visitors and video integration can be made from within the MS Outlook calendar. This simplifies bookings and makes it easier to track mistakes.
Grows with your business
As a business grows, any additional meeting rooms can be easily added to the room booking software, meaning it’s easy to schedule meetings across your real estate and manage growth.
Uncomplicated bookings
Good room booking software will make scheduling meetings across multiple locations and time zones simple. This is stress-free for users and much quicker than coordinating several different systems and times across the world.
Embrace video meetings
Book video meetings directly from within the MS Outlook Add-in. The room booking software will schedule the bridge automatically on TMS and BT Engage, negating the need to go to another tool or video services team.